The UPSC Online Registration process is a very important part of the process involved in the aspirants journey, while appearing for the Civil Service Examination conducted by the UPSC. This article will give brief details about the UPSC Online registration process and UPSC civil service examination.
As per official calendar, for submitting the applications of the UPSC Civil Service Prelims examination, the UPSC online portal will be open till February 22, 2022. The UPSC online portal is expected to open after official notification is released on February 2, 2022. The main official website of the UPSC, where the applicants can apply for various posts is the It provides all the relevant information such as results of the examination, dates of the examination, admit card, eligibility criteria to appear for the examination, number of attempts, etc. Around 2 to 3 weeks prior to the date of the examination, the admit cards will be made available on the official website of the UPSC. Hence, the UPSC online process has eased the process for aspirants who are appearing for the UPSC examination.
The UPSC online registration form consists of two parts. Part 1 of the UPSC online registration process consists of basic details such as address, age, name, etc. The UPSC online registration part 2 comprises furnishing details such as ID proof, signature of the applicant, uploading of the photo, payment of fees, UPSC examination centre, etc. Every year around 5 lakh to 7 lakh candidates appear for the UPSC Civil Service Preliminary examination, but only around 10,000 to 12,000 candidates are able to clear the preliminary examination and become eligible to appear for the UPSC Civil Service Mains examination.
The UPSC Civil Service preliminary examination is conducted in offline mode. There are two papers having Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). UPSC Prelims 2021 was conducted on 10th October. The UPSC Syllabus for CSAT Paper (Prelims Paper-II) is basic numeracy, General mental ability, Decision-making and problem solving, Interpersonal skills including Communication skills, Logical reasoning and analytical ability, and Comprehension skills. The UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper I of the Prelims examination is Indian Polity and Governance, Indian and World Geography, General Science, Current events of national and International importance, History of India and Indian National Movement, General issues on Environment, Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change.
The brief outline of the UPSC Syllabus for Mains Paper II, which is also known as General Studies Paper I are History & Geography of the World & Society, Indian Heritage & Culture. The brief outline of the UPSC Syllabus for Mains Paper III, which is also known as General Studies Paper II are International Relations, Social Justice, Polity, Constitution, and Governance. The UPSC Syllabus for Mains Paper IV, which is also known as General Studies Paper III, covers topics related to Security and Disaster Management, Biodiversity, Economic Development, and Technology. The UPSC Syllabus for Mains Paper V, which is also known as General Studies Paper IV covers topics related to subjects such as ethics, aptitude, and integrity. UPSC Mains will have 2 optional papers. Candidates will be given the option of selecting 1 optional subject from more than 40 optional subjects. The two qualifying papers in the UPSC Mains paper will be English language paper and one of the Indian language paper from a list of language papers given by the UPSC.
The Language papers in the UPSC Civil Service Mains examination are qualifying in nature, whereas in the UPSC UPSC Civil Service Prelims examination, the GS Paper II, i.e. Civil Service Aptitude Paper (CSAT) paper will be qualifying in nature. The UPSC Civil Service Mains examination will have a total of 9 papers. One of the papers is the Essay paper. All the papers in the Mains examination are evaluated for 250 marks, whereas the two language papers will be evaluated for 300 marks. The two papers in the Prelims examination are evaluated for a maximum of 200 marks each.